What is a computer ? A computer is an electronic machine which is able to perform the following tasks : accept the data by the user. process the data according to the given set of instructions. store and give output ...
Consumer Protection and Education उपभोक्ता का अर्थ ( meaning of Consumer) जीवन यापन के लिए परिवार के सभी सदस्य मिल-जुलकर विभिन्न वस्तुओं (Goods) एवं सेवाओं (Services) का चयन तथा उपयोग करते हैं। इन वस्तुओं एवं सेवाओं को खरीदने या उपयोग ...
Importance Of Water Water is essential for life. A person can live without food for several weeks, but without water, life cannot last for more than a few days. The bodies of all plants and animals have large amounts of ...
A human body is made up of different parts. Each part does a special work. Similarly, a computer is made up of different parts. These parts perform different functions. All these parts together make a computer work. Main Parts of ...
Diwali Wishes In English May Every Lampthat will be lit on the evening of diwali,brings Joys and prosperity for everyone. HAPPY DIWALI May Your Life Also Life beFilled With Colorsand light ofhappiness … HAPPY DIWALI On The Auspicious Festival of ...
Dhanteras Wishes in Hindi प्रगति पर आपका कारोबार हो ,घर में सुख शांति का वास हो ,हर संकट का नाश हो ऐसा आपका ,धनतेरस का त्यौहार हो | धनतेरस की हार्दिक सुभकामनायें | आपके के घर में धन की बरसात ...
What is a Computer Computer kya hai : Computer is very useful machine. It is an electronic machine. It help us do our work in an easy and quick manner. It is used almost everywhere like school, home, shops, offices, ...
The World Wide Web (WWW) is a collection of pages stored on the Internet.These pages may contain text, graphics, audios, video and links to other pages.In this chapter, we will learn about another Internet service called email. What is an ...
FMCG Kya Hai ? ( Fmcg कि full from ) F – FastM – MovingC – ConsumerG – Good एफ एम सी जी (FMCG) ”तेजी से बिकने वाली उपभोक्ता वस्तुएँ ”” जल्दी से बिकने वाली उपभोक्ता वस्तुएँ ” FMCG kya ...
रिटेल और रिटेलर का हिंदी मीनिंग क्या होता है :- रिटेल (Retail) :- खुदरा, फुटकर या थोकरिटेलर (Retailer):- फुटकर व्यापारी, फुटकर विक्रता, रिटेल क्या है :- What is Retail In Hindi Retail kya hai : रिटेल सेल्स का ही पार्ट ...