Boris Johnson Biography Boris Johnson is a politician and British Prime Minister who is in the summer of 2019 was elected leader of a Conservative Party to take Britain out of the EU or without a deal. He served as ...

Christmas Day 2020 क्रिसमस Christmas day का बड़ा दिन ईसाइयों का पवित्र पर्व है। यह पर्व प्रतिवर्ष 25 दिसम्बर को मनाया जाता है। इसी दिन ईसाई धर्म के प्रवर्तक ईसा मसीह का जन्म हुआ था। उसी खुशी में यह पर्व ...

26th January (Republic Day Essay) Republic Day essay : जो पर्व राष्ट्र के सभी लोग हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनते हैं, उन्हे राष्ट्रीय पर्व कहते हैं। 26 जनवरी, 1930 को पंडित जवाहरलाल के की अध्यक्षता में हमारे देश के नेताओं ने ...

Who is Dwayne Johnson Dwayne Johson Biography : Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) is known as a wrestler by profession who is also an actor, he was also known as a successful professional wrestler Johnson Ring name ‘The Rock’ before making ...

Christmas is a special time of the year where family and friends spend time together. Make a Christmas tree and decorate it. We have brought a collection of some Christmas specials for you. The Gift of Love . The Gift ...

My Parents Essay Short Paragraph On My Parents I love my parents. They take the place of God for me. My father and mother are my parents. They are very kind to me and love me dearly. They give everything ...

what is Occupation All the people around us do some work or the other. Their work helps them to earn money. This work is called their occupation. Some people are Highly educated and skilled. The others are not so educated ...

Come rains and we hear an announcement regularly on the radio. Do not let stagnant water accumulate in or around your house. Newspaper also carry the advertisements everyday. Another thing that appears regularly on the front page of newspapers during ...

Hindi Shayari दिलो जान से करेंगे हिफ़ाज़त तेरी, बस एक बार तू कह दे कि, मैं अमानत हूं तेरी…..!! दिल की किताब में गुलाब उनका था, रात की नींद में ख्वाब उनका था, कितना प्यार करते हो जब हमने पूछा, ...

Bharti Singh Biography (भारती सिंह जीवन) भारती सिंह एक Indian Stand-up Comedian व Actress हैं। वह लोगों के बीच ‘लल्ली’ के नाम से बहुत मशहूर हैं। इसके अलावा वह ‘द कपिल शर्मा शो’ की टिल्‍ली यादव के नाम से भी जानी जाती ...